いくつかの幸運が重なって、2020年6月、憧れのCOLNAGO C59を手に入れた。
三連勝に25年近く乗り続け、COLNAGO CLX3.0を経由して、ついにC59に辿り着いた。
追記:2024年9月、再び三連勝を手に入れたので、タイトルを「Riding with COLNAGO C59 & 3RENSHO」と改名し、2台で走り続ける記録とします。
I was lucky to obtain COLNAGO C59 which I have been longing for many years. Then, I began thinking I would like to share this happiness with some people who are in trouble and need a bit help. What can I do? I have figured out on July 26, 2020, during my birthday ride, that I would accumulate JPY 10 per 1 km of my ride with C59, and donate to charity organizations which support people with difficulties, such as single-parent family or the disabled. Let’s see how much I can ride for one year.
P.S. I obtained 3RENSHO again in September, 2024, and revised the title to “Riding with COLNAGO C59 and 3RENSHO.”
【報告 1年目】
< 1st Year Completed >
I reached 3,296.11 km for the first one year (July 26, 2020 – July 25, 2021), and made JPY 32,961 donation to NPO Single Mothers Forum.
【報告 2年目】
< 2nd Year Completed >
I could reach only 1653 km for the 2nd year and made JPY 17,000 donation to Habilis Japan which supports children with physical difficulties.
【報告 3年目】
< 3rd Year Completed >
Again, my ride with C59 was less than a previous year, and I made JPY 16,000 donation for the program by Dr. Shinichiro KUMAGAYA, a pediatrician with wheelchair, who actively advocates how we adjust the society in structural and cultural ways for the people with disabilities.
【報告 4年目】
<4th Year Completed>
Again and again, the total ride of 4th year was less the previous year, 1127.30km, and I made JPY 12,000 donation for the Mission KARASHIDANE in Kyoto which has been supporting the people with difficulties to live independently.